Celebrating Our Success

Achievements at Apparelmaster

At Apparelmaster, we believe in continuous improvement — in the service we provide, the products we use, the way we look after the environment, and how we work together as a team and community.

Every year at the Annual Apparelmaster Conference there is an awards evening to recognise members of the group who have done exceptionally well. Supreme Apparelmaster Business and Runner Up trophies are presented to the top two Apparelmaster businesses as determined by annual audit results.

This year the Supreme Apparelmaster Business trophy was awarded to father and son team Gordon and Brad Craig and their team at La Nuova Apparelmaster in New Plymouth.

Other Achievements Over The Past Few Years Include:

The RWC 2011 Letter Of Thanks

Click here to view

Sustainable Business Network Award

Productivity Award, awarded to La Nuova Apparelmaster in 2010

Bevan Broughton with Ken Gardner

Sustainable Business Network Award

Emerging Small and Medium Business Award, awarded to BOP Apparelmaster (now Muirs Apparelmaster) in 2009

Kirsty and Dion Warner

Hawkes Bay Chamber Of Commerce Sustainable Business Award

Awarded to Diamond Dry Cleaners and Apparelmaster in 2010

Jason Tong & the team

Ashburton Business Association District Business Awards

Wastebusters Trust Canterbury Clean Green Business of the Year Award, presented to Wrights Dry Cleaners and Apparelmaster in 2010

ECCA (Energy Efficiency And Conservation Authority) Awards Finalist:

McCallums Apparelmaster

Instep Carbon And Sustainability Programme

Pryors Apparelmaster (Auckland) and La Nuova Apparelmaster (New Plymouth) successfully achieved Silver Status.

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