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AsureQuality Accredited Outlets
AsureQuality audits suppliers in the food services industries, certifying only those that meet the very highest standards of food safety and hygiene.
Few industries face as stringent health and safety regulations like food manufacturing and processing companies. In these environments, the cleanliness and hygiene of food prep workwear can have a direct affect on customers, and in some cases the livelihood of a business. No one understands this like Apparelmaster, meaning many in the network are currently AsureQuality accredited, or are in the process of becoming accredited.
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100% owned by the New Zealand Government, AsureQuality is a global expert in food safety and quality, providing food safety and biosecurity services to the food and primary production sectors. With skilled staff and extensive accreditations, AsureQuality audit, inspect, verify and certify food quality and management systems from the farm right to the supermarket shelf.
Assessments are carried out in accordance with internationally recognised management system auditing practices such as ISO Standards. Receiving AsureQuality accreditation is regarded as the top laundry standard for food industry service providers.
To gain and then retain AsureQuality accreditation, Apparelmaster outlets are reviewed under a Laundry Management Programme and Facilities Audit. This dedicated food service programme requires that each individual Apparelmaster outlet ensure that all laundered items used in ready-to-eat food manufacturing operations meet rigorous food safety standards. Specifically, this requires that all food industry specific laundry is laundered from start to finish in an environment that manages all risks to an acceptable level.
Achieving AsureQuality accreditation requires a substantial investment of both time and money. The ensuing audit covers a large and diverse number of general laundry management processes and procedures including the condition and use of all plant equipment, from transport vehicles to laundry bags and mobile trolleys. The day-to-day operations such as laundry collection, loading, storage and sorting, washing and unloading and transfer for drying and then the actual drying, storage and packaging of cleaned laundry, the preservation of hygiene, status of cleaned laundry, record keeping, and even housekeeping and plant maintenance are all audited.
AsureQuality accreditation certificates are generally displayed and full reports are provided to all those that undertake the process. These can be viewed and discussed with accredited Apparelmaster owners on request.
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