Flame-Retardant Workwear

Flame-Retardant Workwear


Jul 31, 2019

The Health and Safety regulator has reported that the most prevalent cause of severe or even fatal burns, is not the source of the ignition, but the clothing that continues to burn. Therefore, flame-retardant and flame-resistant clothing is imperative for workers in high risk environments. Flame-retardant workwear is designed to either self-extinguish once the source is removed or after being patted down or covered, which allows for prolonged escape time and limits the burn impact.

It is important to remember that Flame-Retardant Workwear is the last line of defence to protect workers against hazards. It’s not if accidents happen, it’s when accidents happen, and it is important to protect yourself and your workers. By investing in quality Flame-Retardant Workwear, you will not only be protecting your workers, but you will be complying with current health and safety regulations and industry best practice.

Apparelmaster stocks a range of Flame-Retardant Workwear, which are chemically treated and designed to self-extinguish almost immediately after the ignition, stopping the garment from continuing to burn.

With specialised garments, comes specialised processes. Apparelmaster launders flame-retardant workwear to retain the life of the garments for approximately 100 washes (depending on manufacturer), while maintaining the effectiveness. To understand the different levels of fire protection our garments have, check out the Arc Ratings on Flame-Resistant Clothing.

Apparelmaster can also customise Flame-Retardant Workwear with chemically-treated embroidery thread so that it doesn’t impact the effectiveness of the garment, but still showcases your brand.


In our burn-protective range we stock:

-        Heavy duty overalls (single and multi-colour options)

-        Day only overalls (two-tone colour options)

-        Protex Anti-Static/Arcguard workwear and propane flame-retardant overalls


Call your local Apparelmaster team today to ask about our Flame-Retardant Workwear options, designed to protect you and your employees, and comply with regulations.