Committed to Responsible
Business Practices
Sustainability & the Environment
Customers who invest in our products and services are investing in a sustainable future.
Apparelmaster is committed to undertaking business in a way that strives to minimise our impact on the environment, and support our communities. Evidence of investment in sustainable business can be seen throughout the group at all levels, including purchasing, cleaning, delivery of services, disposal of products and sponsorship initiatives.
This Includes:
- Carbon Footprint measurement is undertaken at a number of Apparelmaster business premises via a formal Carbon and Sustainability programme that follows international standards. Businesses currently participating include: Whangarei Apparelmaster, Pryors Apparelmaster, Sincerity Apparelmaster, TCL Apparelmaster, Rotorua Apparelmaster, Diamond Apparelmaster, La Nuova Apparelmaster, Manawatu Apparelmaster, Apparelmaster Christchurch, Wrights Apparelmaster, McCallums Apparelmaster, Preens Apparelmaster
- Apparelmaster Christchurch has invested in alternative fuel options, using biodiesel on site and in its vehicle fleet
- McCallums Apparelmaster (Invercargill) has converted from light fuel oil to wood chips to fire up its boiler
- Use of a GPS tracking system in Pryors Apparelmaster and other franchisee fleets (Navman Onlineavl2 system) means that routes can be reviewed to ensure optimal efficiency in relation to customer delivery and fuel use
- Commitment to investment in technology that is energy and water efficient, with some plants installing a Continuous Batch Washer. This includes an intelligent integrated water recovery system, meaning cold and warm water can be used for different processes and recycled, resulting in as little as 8 litres of water being used per kg. It also has a heat exchanger package for warm rinsing and ‘spin turbo’ technology, resulting in better water extraction and lower residual moisture in the fabric, meaning further energy savings in the drying process downstream
- Waste reduction initiatives, which include recycling of old garments into rags, requesting supplies are not plastic wrapped (where appropriate), and reducing the use of plastic wrapping with customer items
- Researching chemical providers to check they have environmental policies which are acted on
- Investing in technology that injects accurate chemical doses in the laundry process so there is no overuse, while still ensuring the quality of laundering is not compromised
- Paper stocks used for Apparelmaster Head Office documents are sourced from Forestry Stewardship Council-certified mills. In these environments, products are manufactured under the environmentally responsible paper manufacture environmental management system ISO 14001, using pulp from well-managed forests and other controlled sources.
Apparelmaster Carbon and Sustainability Programme
A number of Apparelmaster business owners have been working with Instep, a New Zealand company that provides a range of Carbon and Sustainability programmes including standard carbon footprint monitoring, reporting and certifying. Instep’s step-by-step scientific process educates and guides Apparelmaster managers through the entire programme, enabling us to better understand and maximise the benefits. Together with Instep’s scientific managers, Apparelmaster managers develop and execute an effective sustainability strategy and receive regular comprehensive written reports, enabling us to monitor our progress.
Instep reports provide Apparelmaster with tangible results to assess environmental aims, as well as ongoing recommendations to enhance our sustainability in future years. Over each full year, the Instep team assists Apparelmaster to better understand the impact we are having on the environment, help us reduce those impacts, and set goals for the future.
The Instep programme follows an internationally recognised standard that provides credibility and transparency. Instep does not lock members into offsetting emissions, as the company believes that taking individual action is the best way to create real change and Apparelmaster is in full agreement with this.
At Apparelmaster, we know that our customers and suppliers are looking for service providers and business partners who place sustainability and the environment high in their strategic planning programme. We are therefore always open to sharing ideas on how we can improve in this area and reporting our progress as we continue to work with Instep.